Holistic treatments and alternative treatments for mental disabilities


Holistic treatments and alternative treatments for mental disabilities

Among the technological innovations and scientific advances , particular attention must be given to color therapy or wellness machine that offers the maximum result of the synthesis application of therapies that medications through relaxation techniques and multi - stimulation help to increase the well-being and quality of life of those affected.

In our center, it equipped with this technology (two in the Lazio region) are paid these benefits which are referred to as holistic therapies aiming at the rehabilitation of the senses through the combined action of sounds, colors and scents.
Basal stimulation is a form of communication, touch, taste, smell, hearing that stimulates the senses, caregivers come into contact with patients with simple and natural means of promoting the well-being and relaxation stimulated with the help of scents, lights and music.
A combined action between aromatherapy, which is based on the complement of essential oils chosen in function of the patient and in relation to the problem to be solved (eg. Sleep disorders, depression, pain), chromotherapy, through diffused lights so pyramidal the car and soothing music that promotes full and relaxing muscles. Sessions performed at the association ATAMA Anagni non-profit organization providing for the application of the individual farm Multisensory diffuser, a device with a patented technique can provide simultaneously: aromatherapy, crystal therapy, color therapy and music therapy. The use of this tool in patients with Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia and related diseases has been proposed to enhance how these holistic techniques can be supportive and exert a beneficial effect in individuals with mood disorders, anxiety-depressive, euphoric states etc.
Nel diffusore di benessere sono previsti quattro programmi diversi (sonno, relax, meditazione, energia), ciascuno organizzato con un’alternanza di frequenze di colore, aromi e suoni diversi a seconda della richiesta fatta. La scelta del programma varia in base alla tipologia e personalità della persona che lo riceve e dalla necessità di lavorare su alcuni aspetti piuttosto che su altri.
During the application are provided at least two phases : the first on / contraction where the patient is asked to perform a series of movements of the various parts of the body in order to focus its attention on bodily sensations ; the second is a relaxing phase where you focus on the sensations caused by standing still , the perception of the contact points and the fatigue that is fading .
Il trattamento si conclude nella maggior parte dei casi con un training respiratorio dove si suggerisce al paziente di eseguire con l’aiuto del terapista una serie di respirazioni profonde per facilitare sia l’incremento dell’ossigenazione nei tessuti corporei sia la mobilizzazione toracica che nei soggetti anziani tende a ridursi con scarso scambio di gas respiratori.
La Respirazione e Una Funzione vitale per l'uomo, Quando nel Sistema respiratorio entra Più ossigeno OGNI cellula VIENE nutrita e PUÒ svolgere efficacemente il proprio Più lavoro; when i Neuroni interagiscono in un ambiente Più Ricco di ossigeno Gli Impulsi Sono Più chiari e potenti rendendo i sensi Più acuti e rafforzando l'Intero Sistema nervoso. La Respirazione E also valido un ausilio nia soggetti Che presentano Crisi-Attacchi di Panico da proporre also nel contesto familiare OGNI qual volta si presentino Tali Crisi per cercare di ristabilire Una sensazione di tranquillità nel Paziente.
Qualora una causa delle Difficoltà motorie e / o di Comprensione dei Comandi Richiesti racconto sessioni risulti di non facile Esecuzione L'attenzione rivolta VIENE prevalentemente su un lavoro passivo, svolto Completamente dall'operatore, per indurre sensazioni di rilassamento Attraverso dei Movimenti lenti e ripetuti associati a lievi massaggi di ALCUNI Punti nda distretti Terminali (mani e Piedi).

Experience reports

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease with Wellness Diffuser

Patient 1
Patient very cooperative to requests made, tendency to apathy and the lowering of mood. It prefers the energy program with color frequencies yellowish stimulating effect. Because the disorder Parkinsonian Mrs. been reports of soreness in different districts particularly in the cervical region; It is associated with the treatment normally it performed even manipulations of this district as a result of which shows a slight improvement and a sense of general well-being.

Patient 2
Patient alert but not well oriented in time and space; It performs with some difficulty the required tasks. During the sessions often they emerge memories related to his family followed by a sense of sadness and anguish; patient sometimes frightened and with continuous headaches. Following the applications, where is able to obtain the beneficial effects of the relaxation times with numbness, it refers to a reduction of the voltage which presented on the head.

Patient 3
Cooperative patient with a tendency to depression and negativity, shows difficulty in letting go following requests made to find and benefit from the relaxation. The work focused mainly on the contact and massage of the hands and feet associated with the respiratory training that the patient says to use at other times of the day Duranti states of mental confusion and feelings of discomfort trying immediately perceptions of well-being.

Patient 4
Partially cooperative patient shows difficulty in entering into an unknown context requiring the continuous presence and attention of a person for her more familiar. During the sessions there are difficulties to execute the required commands with constant distractions and mood swings that make it impossible to carry out the proposed treatment.

Patient 5
Cooperative patient but can d perform the tasks required in part because of its difficulty to relaxation and introspection. Work carried out mainly with the program sleep and relaxation alternating bands of color in shades of blue calming and relaxing effect. They are performed at each session and they suggest to continue breathing exercises at home especially when there are states of tension / unrest or states of fear.

Patient 6
The patient has serious difficulties to approach in a new situation that required during the first sessions the presence of other figures deemed most "family". He fails to perform the demands made although sometimes partially, but because of his difficulty in decoding of thoughts and feelings is not possible during application to get a feedback on the work that was taking place.

Patient 7
Patient very cooperative and motivated use of relaxation techniques. Run without difficulty the exercises required and training respiratory showing enthusiasm at the end of the application because feels "the mind less clouded than the everyday ...". He refers to be able to sidestep the reality in order to focus on images and memories that evoke positive feelings.

Patient 8
Patient very cooperative and interested approach to relaxation techniques as already practiced in the past. He can participate actively throughout the sitting referring to the term different sensations of "mind lighter" in contrast to the continuous states of pain and tense heaviness.

Patient 9
The patient was followed for a smaller number of sessions than the other with little information obtained in order to evaluate the effectiveness of such application. He fails altogether to execute requests that are made but shows little interest in fact probably due to the difficulty of understanding and interpretation of the meaning of these sessions and the effect they could arouse in her.

Patient 10
Patient at times collaborating with but need to have during the first sessions a figure who lent more attention and that could contain some attitudes exuberant. Shows the inability to interact in a new environment with frequent distractibility. Only during the last two sessions he has shown more predisposed to this type of approach being able to participate in an active manner and enjoying the benefits of the induced relaxation.

Patient 11
Cooperative patient but has limitations in movement due to joint stiffness; It tends to continue to externalize their own physical discomfort and shows many difficulties to immerse themselves in this environment they prefer silence and introspection. He fails after the first sessions to benefit from this treatment referring enthusiastically willing to back them other dates pleasurable sensations aroused.