Hotel and Spa

Hotel Luxury Products: machinery for hotel and Spa

The Wellness Diffuser is studied precisely as a multisensory machinery or equipment and furnishing accessory which supplies chromtherapy, aromatherapy, Music therapy and applied crystal therapy in a single application. It is studied and created as distinctive and innovative product for hotels, accommodations, hotel contracts, hotelier, and architecture offices. It can be combined as furnishing accessory in bedrooms, bathrooms and settings such as Wellness boxes, Wellness corners, Wellness suites, Wellness booths, Wellness areas, Wellness centers, Wellness oasis and multisensory Wellness centers.

Placing a Wellness Diffuser in a hotel or a Spa allows to obtain clear competitive benefits against rival hotels and spas:

  • Personalization of the client rooms by a one-to-one application;
  • Highly qualified chromatic effects;
  • Pleasantly scented settings during the programs;
  • Opportunity to enjoy of four different therapies to improve body and mental Wellness according to your clients' desires.

For accommodations improving the clients' sleep and relaxation is maybe the main goal they have to pursue.

Therefore using the Wellness Diffuser you have Wellness while you are sleeping!

Sleep is indeed a real panacea for your brain and it is fundamental for a wholesome and healthy life.

Sometimes you need more than a glass of milk to sleep well; for this reason someone prefers the fascinating harmony of essential oils, someone else follows the lines of Music therapy; while somebody is surrounded by relaxing chromatic atmospheres.

Now all this is within everybody's reach thanks to a single product and to the best researchers' skills!

Many hotels have already felt this need and they are looking for the best solution. According to the importance of the sleep quality for Wellness the Diffuser becomes a distinctive service for a hotel.

Thanks to the Diffuser you clients will be able to choose real Wellness programs directly in their rooms, enjoying authentic moment of relaxation or a whole night of regenerating sleep, in conformity to their desires.

Il know-how offerto dal nostro programma di affiliazione.

Tecniche di posizionamento

Scelta accurata dei possibili luoghi dove inserirlo, per ottenere la maggior valorizzazione dei vostri locali,dove rendere aromatizzati gli ambienti, come integrarlo con la vostra gestione di luci e musiche, come utilizzarlo con i più recenti ritrovati in materia di marketing olfattivo.

The know-how offered by our franchising program.

Placement techniques

It means the accurate choice about the possible places where to put the product to obtain your rooms' best exploitation to scent locations, in association with your light and music management, following the last olfactory marketing rules.

Presentation techniques

It means the evaluation of the best marketing strategies in order to make the client aware of the importance and the benefits of the utilisation of the Diffuser.

Utilisation techniques

It means to show the therapies and their functioning at best, by explaining the most effective respiration techniques, the chakra concept, the touch and taste sensitization and the combination with the main relaxing and energizing techniques, such as reiki, traditional massages, shiatsu, ayurveda.

Personalization techniques

In conformity to your needs and desires and together with our staff it is possible to make changes in the Wellness Diffuser concerning special aromas, colours and musics in order to have a real and unique work of art for you and your clients' Wellness.

With the WD we offer new experiences directed towards an increase of the loyalty marketing and of the exclusiveness thanks to the different personalizations.

Thanks to our franchising, our staff will study the best solution to exploit the WD both on a therapeutical level and on a setting one at best, by the personalisation and the change of the product to make your accommodation unique.

The importance to sleep well

Sleeping is the best exercise for memory, in fact a good night of sleep is fundamental to prepare your brain to remember better what you will learn the following day.

A research by Matthiew Walker from the Harvard Medical School of Boston published on Nature Neuroscience magazine shows it. Indeed Walker gives more importance to sleep, which was considered fundamental only to reorganize concepts already learnt up to now.

Instead sleeping is much more important: American researchers noticed a relationship between the lack of sleep (even for only one night) and the reduction of memory performance (even for some following days): the hippocampus, the memory centre, reduces its activity.

Besides recently some studies have highlighted the importance of sleep for long term memory assimilation. Therefore while waking, during the everyday activities, our brain encloses information creating new neural connection (synopsis).

During the night, this information is screened and our brain keeps only the useful one, reorganizing the synopsis thanks to the neural plasticity. Therefore sleep can be considered as a moment when our brain reorders concepts.

Now for the first time, involving a team of 14 scientists, American researches show that sleep is useful to prepare the brain in memory construction in the following days.

The experts asked some volunteers not to sleep for one night and the following day these experts showed them 150 images, in order to remember them.

Two days later the volunteers were called back and they were asked to find, among more than 250 images, the 150 ones already seen. During this experiment the experts observed the hippocampus activity by the magnetic resonance, comparing it with one of the people who had slept.

The result was that the people who had not slept had much more difficulties to find the photos and their hippocampus is less active. This research confirms the lack of sleep has a bad effect on memory and it thwarts the new memory construction as well as the reorganisation of those which have been already assimilated. (ANSA)

The Wellness Diffuser is studied precisely as a multisensory machinery or equipment and furnishing accessory which supplies chromtherapy, aromatherapy, Music therapy and applied crystal therapy in a single application. It is studied and created as distinctive and innovative product for hotels, as hotel luxury product (a machinery for hotel and spa) accommodations, hotel contracts, hotellerie, and architecture offices. It can be combined as furnishing accessory in bedrooms, bathrooms and settings such as Wellness boxes, Wellness corners, Wellness suites, Wellness booths, Wellness areas, Wellness centers, Wellness oasis and multisensory Wellness centers.